Social Security is a federal program but there are some differences state to state. Alabama's disability program is a little different than other states. For example, if your claim is denied in Alabama you do not have to go through a "reconsideration" process. Instead you can ask for a hearing as the next step. In Alabama, 48 percent of cases that go before an administrative law judge are approved or awarded. The national average is 46 percent. In Alabama it takes about one month longer to get your case decided on appeal. Alabama's average time is 12.5 months, compared to the national average of 11.5 months. Once you get into a hearing before a judge, the process is pretty much the same in all states. I have represented claimants in Alabama, Tennessee, Mississippi and other states. The rule is always: do your homework, get good medical evidence and put on a good case. ----------------- The Forsythe Firm may be able to ...