Attorneys and other advocates who help individuals collect their Social Security disability (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits are entitled to a fee under federal law in some cases. A fee can be charged if: The representative has been duly appointed in writing and a fee agreement has been signed (or a fee petition submitted), The claimant's claim has been approved, Back pay or retroactive pay has been collected by the claimant, The amount of the fee does not exceed the allowable maximum, and The reviewing judge has approved the Fee Agreement or Fee Petition. Most claimants are delighted to receive expert help with their Social Security disability or SSI claim and do not object to the rather modest fee they are charged if they win. Those who object to the fee usually do not understand what is involved in winning a disability or SSI claim. The representative will spend many hours preparing the claim. If it is not approved on the applica...