There's a huge difference between filing a new claim and filing an appeal. In almost every case, you are better off to appeal your old claim than to file a new one. Here's why.
- If you got denied once, chances are you will just get denied the second time you apply...and the third...and the fourth. Reapplying wastes time. You never accumulate any back pay by filing multiple claims. You literally start over each time, losing all your potential back pay each time.
- You never get to go further up the ladder where somebody higher up can approve your claim.
- Eventually, your insured status will expire and you can't file any more new claims. End of game.
Layer 1: The outer layer - the application for benefits. Usually denied at this layer.
Layer 2: The Reconsideration or review (not used in
Alabama) - not effective in states where it is used.
Layer 3: The hearing (Sometimes called the appeal) - your best chance to get paid.
Layer 4: Review by the Appeals Council
Layer 5: a lawsuit in federal district court
Of all 5 layers, your best odds of getting approved is at Layer 3 - the hearing before an administrative law judge. The odds at Layer 1 are very poor. Odds improve a lot at layer 2, not so much at layers 4 and 5.
So, don't stay on layer 1. When you get denied, discard this layer and go straight to layer 3. (Alabama does not use layer 2, called "Reconsideration;" you skip it)!
Confused and need help? Just call us. We have an advocate (specialist) who will give you a free case review, spend as much time with you as it takes--to find out how to help you. No cost, no obligation. You pay us only if you win your benefits and also collect past due money. Since we qualify for Direct Payment of Fees, Social Security will withhold our approved fee and pay us directly.
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